On International Women's Day, some women from Bwari, supported by Helpline Foundation, came to the Brekete Family Program to showcase some of their handiworks. They were taught how to make different things and given skills that can help them to earn a decent living. The training included how to make snacks, benniseed cake, popcorn, headgears,…
The Ordinary President showers words of love on the Vice President Yemi Osinbajo calling him a success.
The Voice of the Voiceless Ordinary Ahmad Isah
D During the Brekete Family Program on March 8, 2022, in celebration of International Women's Day 2022, the Ordinary President asked that the women in the open-air studio of the Human Rights Radio and Television be given a sum of five thousand Naira each.
The Voice of the Voiceless Ordinary Ahmad Isah
I In commemoration of International Women's Day 2022, the Ordinary President introduces the Human Rights Radio and Television Women's Football Team live on the Brekete Family Program. The football tournament was organized by FAME Foundation (Female Advocacy, Mentoring, and Empowerment
The Voice of the Voiceless Ordinary Ahmad Isah