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The story of this young girl was very emotional. She narrated how one sister approached her and secretly arranged a passport for her to travel to Dubai, while taking an oath as assurance that in case of any disappointment, According to her, the process to travel to Dubai by the sister who was forcing her to go was not clear to her.

 Finally, when they succeeded in obtaining her passport after several mistakes that could have triggered her not to travel, she arrived in Dubai with the hope of finding a good job. However, she soon discovered that she was taken there for prostitution, which made her sad and wonder why she was staying there with the madam. She was denied the use of a phone to call her family members, but the young girl remained resolute in finding her way out.

 Despite facing numerous challenges, she relied on her faith in God to help her return to her home country. Finally, when she was able to speak with her family, she devised a plan to return home.

 The threats against her became even more severe, to the point where the woman sold her illegally to another person. The silver lining in her story was that she was rescued by one of the Brekete Family Ambassadors in Dubai and was eventually deported back to her home country

The Voice of the Voiceless

Ordinary Ahmad Isah

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